Working up a sweat on local trail

City residents using the multi-use trail in Preston’s Bob McMullen Linear Park may have noticed some changes in the last few weeks.
With the financial assistance of Innovative Steam Technologies (IST), which is celebrating its 20th anniversary, new Trekfit outdoor circuit training stations have been installed along a 300-metre stretch of the 3.2 km trail.
On Wednesday, company and city officials met along the trail near the confluence of the Speed and Grand rivers to officially mark the opening of the new facilities.
“The trails are an important part of our community and we are grateful to Innovative Steam Technology and their leadership for partnering with us to make this happen,” said Mayor Doug Craig.
After snipping the ribbon, IST staff and members of Active Cambridge gave the new equipment a workout.
City landscape architect Sue Reise has no doubt the new workout stations will be well used.
“I had a call three days ago from people thanking us for putting it in and telling us they have been using it,” she said.